Following on from a previous post (osteopathic treatment is different) here are 5 more reasons the osteopathic approach to healthcare and wellbeing is different.
Reasons to seek out osteopathic treatment

Following on from a previous post (osteopathic treatment is different) here are 5 more reasons the osteopathic approach to healthcare and wellbeing is different.
Nearly 30% of people experience teeth grinding and jaw clenching which is medically called bruxism. Almost 10% of those that grind do it so severely that their teeth are reduced to small stumps. Bruxism affects all ages groups, children to adults, causing severe tooth damage, jaw disorders, and headaches.
On an almost daily basis, I get asked to explain what I do, not my occupation but what do osteopaths actually do? I suspect if I took a public survey the reply would be one of the following: “They crack peoples backs, don’t they? ” Or with a shrug of shoulders, “I’ve never heard of one of […]
Vaginal prolapse is a common condition where the bladder, uterus and or bowel protrudes into the vagina. This can cause symptoms such as a sensation of a vaginal lump, constipation, difficulty emptying the bowel or bladder or problems with sexual intercourse.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition of the hand and fingers caused by compression of a major nerve where it passes through a passage made by the carpal bones in the wrist. It may be due to frequent repetitive movements or by fluid retention.
What is sleep hygiene? Here’s a lovely animated film which explains
A herniated spinal disc is the most common cause many painful conditions, when this happens, the natural cushion between the vertebra of the spine is damaged or ruptured, causing the spinal disc to push out into areas usually occupied by nerves. Note; other terms for a herniated disc include; a slipped, ruptured, bulging or, protruding disc. […]
Here’s another informative animated film, this time on the complex subject of Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS), which is the prevailing theory of the cause of chronic pain & other chronic symptoms.
Stress is a part of everyday life; it can affect our body, our thoughts, feelings, and our behaviour. It’s impossible to avoid some significant life events, bereavement, divorce, family illness, redundancy even parenthood. Stress can induce a “fight-or-flight” response in the body, producing hormones to prepare our bodies to either take on the challenge (fight) or […]