General Appointments & Prices

Your initial appointment will typically last one hour. For complex cases or those desiring extra time, we offer extended first appointments. This initial appointment allows time for the clinician to understand the reason for your visit and gather your medical history, including your current general health, past medical history, as well as details of any accidents, injuries, or operations. A hands-on examination of the problem area and other relevant areas of the body follows this. Finally, we will discuss your diagnosis, propose a personalised plan of treatment, and offer treatment if appropriate and time permits.


Strict measures are in place and practice hygiene policies are reviewed regularly.


First appointments usually last around 60 mins and begin with a detailed case history to record the reason you have booked your appointment. This can cover your symptoms, medical history and relevant details of your life, including any operations, illness, accidents or falls. This is followed by a detailed examination of the problem area and other relevant areas. You may be asked to perform a range of simple movements to determine what aggravates the symptoms and your degree of mobility. You may be asked to undress to your underwear, or as far as is necessary to assess your posture and any areas of tenderness or restricted movement? Osteopaths use their hands to diagnose and treat conditions using a finely developed sense of touch called Palpation. After the session your clinician will discuss a plan of treatment, suggest lifestyle and exercise adjustments and give you the opportunity to ask further questions.


Depending on the age, children’s treatments are much like adults. Where possible, examination would take place on the treatment table. However, many young children are examined and treated whilst sitting on a parent’s lap or playing on the floor. With younger children such as toddlers, an examination might involve observation through play or walking.


Paediatric osteopaths have extensive paediatric medical training. Babies are undressed to their nappy in order to assess their whole body including gentle and specific examination of joint tension. We can examine and treat babies while they are feeding or being held by a parent.

fees: valid January 2023 (subject to annual review)