Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS)
Here’s another informative animated film, this time on the complex subject of Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS), which is the prevailing theory of the cause of chronic
This resource aims to provides general information and articles about health-related subjects, and tips for living life to your full potential.
Osteopathy in Dulwich Resources are not designed to provide medical advice, nor are they intended as a substitute for professional care given by a trained health professional. You should consult with your general practitioner (GP) or seek other professional medical treatment if you have any concerns about your health.
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”
Here’s another informative animated film, this time on the complex subject of Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS), which is the prevailing theory of the cause of chronic
Stress is a part of everyday life; it can affect our body, our thoughts, feelings, and our behaviour. It’s impossible to avoid some significant life
Good quality sleep is essential for our wellbeing, protecting our physical and mental health. Humans have evolved to be active during the day and sleep
Achilles tendon pain is sporting complaint often seen in runners and tennis players. People report stiffness or pain in the back of the heel. Achilles
Stress is necessary for life, it helps us learn, be creative, and of course, is needed for survival. Stress is only harmful when it becomes
You may already know that probiotics are good for gut health, but research now suggests that “good” bacteria may have other health benefits.
Vitamin B12 is a powerhouse, it helps make DNA, nerve and blood cells and is crucial for a healthy brain and immune system. Studies suggested
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition which can be a difficult to diagnose as the early symptoms are similar to flu and other common illnesses.
Do your shoulders creak? Knees pop? Does your neck make cracking sounds? Do you hear clicking noises in your ankles, wrists or hips when you
There is good news, most 80 – 90% of people fully recover from sciatica without surgery. In most cases, the nerve is not permanently damaged, and
Sciatica is a relatively common form pain affecting the leg; patients often misunderstand it. Medically sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis
Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) in Pregnancy affects up to one in five women. It is the umbrella name for all pelvic pain, including pubic pain
Doctors and nutritionists tell use that Vitamin D is essential for optimal body function; it has an important role in maintaining bone structure and healthy
Joint and muscle pain is probably the number one symptom that prompts people to seek the help of health professionals such as osteopaths. Musculoskeletal pain
Most cases of back pain get better on their own and might be classified by a doctor as ‘non-specific’ or ‘simple’ back pain; this means
Definition: Sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, while generally temporary and non-damaging, they can cause mild-excruciating pain.
Are you confused about the function of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM’s) and how to keep them healthy.
Approximately 10 million people in the UK live with pain on an almost daily basis, this often has a major impact on their quality of
Many people ask me “ I don’t have a back problem or any injuries so why should I do Pilates?”
It’s Pilates but not as you know it, the pace is slower with time to reflect, its a bit like interval training the changes happen