The Vagus Nerve, and your health
Like a super spy, the vagus nerve wanders around the body, reporting back to the brain subconsciously (secretly) with constant updates on what’s going on
This resource aims to provides general information and articles about health-related subjects, and tips for living life to your full potential.
Osteopathy in Dulwich Resources are not designed to provide medical advice, nor are they intended as a substitute for professional care given by a trained health professional. You should consult with your general practitioner (GP) or seek other professional medical treatment if you have any concerns about your health.
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”
Like a super spy, the vagus nerve wanders around the body, reporting back to the brain subconsciously (secretly) with constant updates on what’s going on
Gout is an excruciatingly painful condition caused when uric acid levels build up in the body. It’s a complex form of arthritis and the most
The vagus nerve is the inner nerve centre leader, also known as the 10th cranial nerve or cranial nerve X. It’s the longest of the
The tailbone, or coccyx, sits at the very bottom of your spine, just below the sacrum. It’s a small, triangular bone that looks like a
As an osteopath and Pilates teacher movement is always the first and most important goal I consider in my treatment plan. We need to get
Following on from a previous post (osteopathic treatment is different) here are 5 more reasons the osteopathic approach to healthcare and wellbeing is different.
Delayed-onset muscle soreness or DOMS is exercise-related muscle pain, which often peaks a day or two after the event. It is known as muscle fever,
Nearly 30% of people experience teeth grinding and jaw clenching which is medically called bruxism. Almost 10% of those that grind do it so severely that
On an almost daily basis, I get asked to explain what I do, not my occupation but what do osteopaths actually do? I suspect if I
The muscles of the pelvic floor play a crucial role in the stability of the torso due to its connections and association in spinal movement
Last time I talked about the shoulder joint structure and briefly highlighted what can go wrong, lets look at some of the common problems that
Shoulder problems are widespread; the shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body because the main shoulder joint (the gleno-humeral joint) is a ball-and-socket
Would you know what to do if someone you know stopped breathing? If the answer is no, then learning first aid should be on your
Vaginal prolapse is a common condition where the bladder, uterus and or bowel protrudes into the vagina. This can cause symptoms such as a sensation
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (*) is a painful condition caused by compression of the Median nerve, which passes through a tunnel formed by the carpal bones
What is sleep hygiene? Here’s a lovely animated film which explains
A herniated spinal disc is the most common cause many painful conditions, when this happens, the natural cushion between the vertebra of the spine is damaged