Joint and muscle pain is probably the number one symptom that prompts people to seek the help of health professionals such as osteopaths. Musculoskeletal pain affects the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves, it is commonly but not always caused by physical injury, which can be widespread or localised in just one body part.
Category Archives: General Health
Back Pain -The Red Flags
Most cases of back pain get better on their own and might be classified by a doctor as ‘non-specific’ or ‘simple’ back pain; this means no severe underlying pathology is likely.
Muscle cramps
Definition: Sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, while generally temporary and non-damaging, they can cause mild-excruciating pain.
Pelvic floor muscles, what do they do?
Are you confused about the function of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM’s) and how to keep them healthy.
Understanding Pain
Approximately 10 million people in the UK live with pain on an almost daily basis, this often has a major impact on their quality of life and is the second highest cause of days off work.
The wellbeing benefits of pilates
Many people ask me “ I don’t have a back problem or any injuries so why should I do Pilates?”
Somatic Pilates, what is that I hear you ask?
It’s Pilates but not as you know it, the pace is slower with time to reflect, its a bit like interval training the changes happen during the rest periods. It’s based on science, and has a slightly different focus, let me explain…
Freedom to move?
This is a lovely montage of a little baby named Liv doing what babies do during their first year of life, exploring their environment and learning the essential skills to be able walk, run jump and play. It starts with her finding her limbs and their connection to the floor, wriggling, shifting weight and beginning […]
Magnesium, why do we need it?
In my post about muscle cramp I mentioned magnesium and a few people have asked me to tell them more about it