The thyroid gland part 4, subclinical hypothyroidism explained

Are you tired all the time, gaining weight while eating the same amount of food? Is your skin dry and your hair falling out too? It can be easy to dismiss these symptoms as being down to living through a typical UK winter when many folks feel under par, suffer the effects of central heating […]

Pain management, ways forwards

The previous post, “pain what’s really going on?” looked at pain from a medical and scientific point of view to understand how pain can be categorised, the variety of words to describe pain, and the regular healing times, which may help people avoid slipping into persistent or chronic states. This post will look at current best […]

Pain, what’s​ really going on?

Pain is tricky; it can be a valuable and potentially life-saving protection mechanism. You only have to touch something unexpectedly hot to appreciate that the resulting OUCH was helpful because it made you pull your hand away and prevent possible further injury. But what exactly is pain?