Your brain on anxiety

The muscles of the pelvic floor play a crucial role in the stability of the torso due to its connections and association in spinal movement and control. The balance of these muscles is necessary for dynamic stability, i.e., strong and elastic muscles which support us to move freely, climb stairs, change direction easily, pick up […]
Do you leak a little urine when you cough laugh or sneeze? Half of the women over the age of 50 with experience symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, with 1 in 10 women by the age of 80 undergoing surgery. […]
Last time I talked about the shoulder joint structure and briefly highlighted what can go wrong, lets look at some of the common problems that cause shoulder and arm pain in a little more detail
Shoulder problems are widespread; the shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body because the main shoulder joint (the gleno-humeral joint) is a ball-and-socket joint. It sacrifices stability for mobility, and for this reason can be vulnerable to injury, dislocation, muscle fatigue and degeneration due habitual poor posture. vulnerable to injury and habitual poor […]
Would you know what to do if someone you know stopped breathing? If the answer is no, then learning first aid should be on your list of essential skills
Here’s another informative animated film, this time on the complex subject of Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS), which is the prevailing theory of the cause of chronic pain & other chronic symptoms.
Many people ask me “ I don’t have a back problem or any injuries so why should I do Pilates?”